
Having a fun wedding, this is your invite! Personalise with your text!




E-Invites are in size 1790 pixcels x 2492 pixcels. Compatible to Wassapp, Signal, Telegram & Email.
From our Premium line, you can choose…
One Insert for the price of Rs.1799/- inclusive of GST.
Two Inserts for the price of Rs.3599/- inclusive of GST.
Three Inserts for the price of Rs.5399/- inclusive of GST.
and so on, depending on your requirement.

After you have made the purchase please send us an email on
The email should contain the following :
1. Code of the invite (On bottom right of the invite sample you’ve finalised).
2. Order Number (you will receive it after you’ve made the purchase)
3. All text details to personalise the text.
4. Your Phone Number & Email id.

The text you send us, should include the following…
a) Host name
b) Groom name
c) Groom’s parents name
d) Bride name
e) Bride’s parents name
f) Date
g) Time
h) Venue
I) Any other relevant details like Best Compliments

Please go through our various E-Invite designs so you can understand the text you’d like to send us for personalised formatting.

We offer to set the text formatting once, any changes after the first text-setting will attract a charge of Rs.600/- each insert, each time you send us a change.

Communication will be only through email. It takes 3-4 days to text-set and revert with the personalisation.

Once done you will receive high resolution jpeg files which you can then use as your E-invites.

Additional information

Dimensions 21 × 14.6 cm


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